Do you really know if your brain is fully optimized?
Without knowing what is happening inside of our brains, we cannot truly know what we need to do to optimize them!
A brain scan is the only way to understand how we can optimize our mental performance to get real, solid 100%, scientifically tested, medically advised results. It is truly the next level for entrepreneurs & the business world.
Increase Brain Performance Levels
Just as we need a blood test to be certain we are optimizing our body, we need a brain scan to be certain we are correctly optimizing our brains. Each test comes with an assessment & review done by a medical doctor so you know what you need to do to enhance your mental performance levels. This can be a direct factor in how you run and scale your business.

We scan your brain with a top of the line WAVi brain scanner, the only brain scanner of it's kind that is approved by the FDA. This will report a direct measurement of your brain functioning including your EEG brainwave patterns, your brain reactiveness, coherence, cognitive processing & abilities, your visual control, heart rate variability, & the functioning of your autonomic nervous system. This also includes the different frequencies of your alpha, beta, theta, & delta brainwaves, & the synchronization of your brain and heart frequencies.
The Brain Scan
What is the Process Like?
All brain scans are in person and each session will take about 30-40 minutes. During your session a headset will be worn during this time. Each person will take a series of tests on a laptop testing your cognitive, auditory, visual abilities along with your HRV. After a test is completed it will be submitted to a medical professional for review. That review is recorded online and will be sent back to you for your keeping.

The Result
The most accurate path to fully optimizing your brain, and your performance levels!
Optimize Your Brain

Increase Business Performance

Increase Mental Performance

Increase Collaborative Performance

Hi, my name is Chris Reynolds and I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs and high-performers take their brain power, performance and productivity to the next level.
Too often, we get in the busyness trap of trying to do more, and more thinking we are actually getting more done...when actually the opposite happens. It causes our stress levels to rise resulting in a lack of clarity and focus, decreasing our decision making abilities, and all too often leading to more chaos, and poor health choices in our lives.
I know, we are all fans of growth, and us entrepreneurs are always looking for the next "thing' or "hack" that is going to increase our performance levels. But without, truly knowing what is happening in our brain, we cannot truly know what we need to optimize it.....and that is where brain scanning comes in.
My mission is to help entrepreneurs and high-performers optimize their performance levels to can scale their business faster and live more balanced, and fulfilling lives!