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Ep.425 ~ Leadership & Influence from Lt. General Honoré


~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews with 100 Major Influencers

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“The only difference between charcoal and diamonds are heat and pressure.”  Lt. General Honoré

Hey listeners welcome to the show today! We’ve got a special guest for you. By chance I was speaking with an old friend. I had been looking for some high ranking military professionals to come on the show for some time and I’m excited to introduce today’s guest.


Lt. General Honoré is a retired lieutenant general who served as the 33rd commanding general of the US. First Army at Ft. Gellem, Georgia. He is best known for serving as commander of Joint Task Force Katrina Gulf Coast and as the 2nd Infantry Division’s commander while stationed in South Korea. 


Prior to his command of Joint Task Force-Katrina – leading the Department of Defense response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana – General Honoré served in a variety of command and staff positions which focused on Defense Support to Civil Authorities and Homeland Defense.

For four of the past six hurricane seasons, he supported the Department of Defense planning and response for Hurricanes Floyd in 1999; Lilli and Isidore in 2002 (both hit the Gulf Coast); Isabel in 2003; and Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne in 2004.

General Honoré also planned and supported the United States military response to the devastating flooding which swept Venezuela 1999 and Mozambique in 2000.


As Vice Director for Operations, he led the Defense Department’s planning and preparation for the anticipated Y2K Millennium anomaly. He planned and oversaw the military response to the Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy and the DC Sniper Shootings. His lists of medals and awards are literally too many to mention, but they easily fill up a page. 

Today, on the show we dive into the General’s story over the past 40 years and how he handles disastrous situations, decision making and clear thinking. He started out attending segregated schools in rural Louisiana with a dozen siblings to become the man that handled disasters and hurricane damage relief all over the world.

I’m excited to get this show to you guys and hope you enjoy General Honoré’s story as much as I did. 

    2:06: Who is General Honoré?

    7:37: General Honoré’s Childhood in Louisiana

   11:32: The General on Attending Segregated Schools

   15:55: The General’s Military Career

   21:18: The General on Overcoming Challenges

   30:08: The General on Leading The Joint Task Force Katrina

   42:03: The General’s 3 Essential Leadership Lessons

   50:28: The General’s Routine

   55:57: The General on Self-Perception

1:03:20: The General on Climate Change

1:15:14: The General’s Favorite Books

1:24:25: Where to find General Honoré?


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