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Ep.161 ~ The Sandwich Empire ~ Ike Shehadeh

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~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews in 100 Days with 100 Entrepreneurs That Have Built $100,000+ Businesses

“My business plan was to feed myself, have gas in the car, and have the rent paid.”

Ike Shehadeh

Today podcast listeners we are welcoming a good friend, Ike Shehadeh to the show. Ike is the founder of Ike’s Place, a sandwich shop that started in San Francisco and now has 36 locations all over the west coast of the U.S.


Ike is a fellow bare-knuckle entrepreneur that started out with little to nothing and built his empire in a relatively short period of time using his mental game to create success. His story is quite inspirational and today we are going to dig into how he created this empire  restaurant chain using expert marketing and showmanship.

“Every person that works the cash register at every Ike’s (sandwich shop) is way more important than me.” Ike Shehadeh

5:34: Ike’s Lowest Point as an Entrepreneur

33:33: Ike on Building a Brand

42:30: Ike on Running His Own Social Media Accounts

53:54: Ike’s Bottom to Top Philosophy on Business

Foundation on Branding

-Fans don’t actually care about you and your product. They care about what your product can do for them.

“Find out what your customers actually care about. Ninety-nine percent of the time it’s not you, it’s not your brand.” Ike Shehadeh

Honorable Mentions:

Noah Kagan

App Sumo

Contact Info:

“As I wanted to get back into business, I thought, what were the things that I wanted to do, coupled with the things that I knew I could do.” Ike Shehadeh



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